Часть 4. Что вы отмечаете?
Урок 4 Что вы делали на свой День рождения? с. 64 — 65
Упражнение 1, с. 64
1. Хью и Тим разговаривают о прошедшем дне рождения друга Хью. Hugh and Tim are talking about Bill’s birthday party.
1) What did Hugh like about the birthday party? Что понравилось Хью на этом дне рождения?
Tim: Did Bill celebrate his birthday?
Hugh: Yes, he did. We celebrated his birthday yesterday.
Tim: Where did you celebrate it?
Hugh: In their garden.
Tim: What games did you play?
Hugh: We played ball games. It was interesting!
Ответ: ball games.
Тим: Билл праздновал свой день рождения?
Хью: Да. Вчера мы отметили его день рождения.
Тим: Где вы его отмечали?
Хью: В их саду.
Тим: В какие игры вы играли?
Хью: Мы играли в мяч. Было интересно!
Упражнение 2, с. 65
2. У Хью тоже недавно был день рождения. Но Хью был болен, поэтому праздник не отмечали как обычно. Hugh also celebrated his birthday not long ago. But Hugh was ill and they didn’t celebrate it as usual.
What did Hugh’s friends ask him about his birthday? What did he answer? О чём спросили друзья Хью и что он им ответил? Соотнесите вопросы и ответы.
— Did you invite your friends? — No, I didn’t.
— Did you play games? — Yes, I did.
— What games did you play? — I played a computer game.
— What cake did your mother make? — A chocolate cake.
— What did your parents give to you? — My favourite cartoons.
Упражнение 3, с. 65
3. Role play. Вы получили письмо от Дейва, в котором он пишет, что недавно отпраздновал свой день рождения.
Pupil 1 Ask Dave questions about birthday. |
Pupil 2 You are Dave. Answer the questions. |
Pupil 1: — Did you celebrate his birthday?
Pupil 2: — Yes, he did.
Pupil 1: — What games did you play?
Pupil 2: — I played a computer game.
Pupil 1: — Did you play computer games?
Pupil 2: — Yes, I did.
Pupil 1: — Did you invite your friends?
Pupil 2: — No, I didn’t.
Pupil 1: — Did you decorate your room?
Pupil 2: — Yes, I did.
Pupil 1: — Did you watch cartoons/DVD?
Pupil 2: — Yes, I did.
Pupil 1: — What cake did your parents make?
Pupil 2: — A chocolate cake.
Pupil 1: — What cartoons did you watch?
Pupil 2: — My favourite cartoons.
Pupil 1: — What gifts did your parents give to you?
Pupil 2: — My favourite books.
Pupil 1: — What gifts did your friends give to you?
Pupil 2: — My friends gave diffferent presents to me.
Pupil 1: — Where did you celebrate your birthday?
Pupil 2: — In our house.
я 5 получила.